Saturday, March 26, 2016


We cooperated with 55 students and 5 teachers from Karunar dorm in this project’s activities. To understand their problems, the organizers conducted interviews with 5 teachers and questionnaires were distributed to 30 students living in the dorm. As a result, the organizers identified the floor’s worsening
condition as one of the top 2 problems faced by the students living in Karunar dorm. To find out the causes and consequences of this problem, we did a group discussion with 55 dorm students. We found out the feelings of students, teachers and how much stress they face from this floor’s condition. Finally, the organizers got an agreement with the community to pave and tile the floor in order to get a water proof floor.
Moreover, the organizers did interviews with 30 students and 2 teachers who are able to share their resources to help in the construction of this project. For this reason, the organizers found out that around 10 students can help to pave the floor with tiles. So the organizers decided to work with one expert engineer and 10 students for the implementation of this project.
According to our interview with the engineer, we can choose from three types of tile quality: High, Medium, or Low quality. The community agreed to choose the medium quality tile to save cost. According to the engineer, even though it is of medium quality, it can last many years.
During the implementation, the organizers will lead the project until the work is completed. Furthermore, 10 students and 2 teachers (with basic construction experience) will participate. The organizers will monitor the percentage of the floor that has been completed to ensure the construction is carried out systematically. Moreover, the organizers will evaluate the project’s success 2 months after completion. At that time, the organizer will interview with the Karunar dormitory’s teachers and current students in order to know the situation of the new tile floor.


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